domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017

Welcome to my class!!!

Are you ready? Summer holidays are over and we are here again to start a new year. 


Let's start...

Click here: Marga's Voki avatar

Now it's your turn!

Step 1: Write at least 5 interesting questions to use when introducing yourself.

EXAMPLES: Do you have any hobbies? When is your bithday?

Step 2: Share your ideas with the students in the class and complete your list of questions.

Step 3: Answer five questions of your choice in the notebook and answer an extra one telling what you did in summer (USE PAST SIMPLE). 

Step 4: Now you have to create your own Voki avatar. Decide on appearance using the icons and then you need to transfer your answers using the text-to-speech option OR you can record your own voice.

Step 5: Once you finish your Voki avatar, send it to my email address before Monday 11th December: We are going to see the results in class.


domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

Picture description activity


In the oral test you have in two weeks, you need to talk about a picture for one minute. To practice, choose one picture and describe it in your notebook following the instructions given below.



Steps to describe a picture:
1.       What is the first thing you see? (a person, a building, a place, etc.)
2.       Describe the details(who and what is in the picture? where is it? what’s happening? what are they doing?)
3.       Observe and assume (e.g. Children are wearing summer clothes, so it might be July or August.)
4.       Relate it to your own life.
1. First thing you see:
In this photo, I can see… En esta foto puedo ver…
Thisphoto shows… Esta foto muestra…
This is a photo of a/some… Esta es una foto de un/unos…
In this photo there is/there areEn esta foto hay un/unos

2. Describing the details:
There’s a person/building, etc. Hay una persona/un edificio/un objeto, etc.
It is difficult to describe him/her/it, because… Es difícil describirlo/describirla, porque…
There is a lot going on in this photo. En esta foto se ven muchas cosas.
In the foreground… En primer plano…
There seems to be (a)… Parece que hay (un)…
Both/neither of the people in the photo… Las dos/ninguna de las personas de la foto…

3. Observing and assuming:
Probably/Maybe/Perhaps (they are relatives) Probablemente/Quizás/A lo mejor (son familiares)
It’s probably (in the morning because…) Es probablemente (por la mañana porque…)
Itseems (they are havingfun) Parece (que se lo están pasando bien)
It looks as if (it’s winter because…) Parece que (es invierno porque…)
He might/could be (baking a cake)Puede/podríaestar (hacienda unatarta)

4. Relating it to your own life:
I (don’t) like this photo because… (No) Me gusta esta foto porque…
This photo reminds me of… Esta foto me recuerda a…

Useful vocabulary:
A photograph: una foto
A painting: un cuadro
A drawing: un dibujo
Anadvertisement: un anuncio
A poster: un poster
Thecover of a book: la portada de un libro
A map: un mapa
A scenefrom a film: una escena de una película
A chart / a graph: una tabla/un gráfico
A cartoon (drawing): un dibujo de cómic
A stripcartoon: una tira de cómic
A speech bubble: un bocadillo (comic)

On the left: a la izquierda
In the centre / in the middle: en el centro
On the right: a la derecha

At the top: en la parte de arriba
At thebottom: en la parte de abajo

In the background: al fondo
In the foreground: en primer plano
In the top left-handcorner: en la esquina de arriba a la izquierda.
In the top right-handcorner: en la esquina de arriba a la derecha.
In thebottomleft-handcorner: en la esquina de abajo a la izquierda.
In thebottomright-handcorner: en la esquina de abajo a la derecha.

Ten things you should know before travelling to London

Watch the video and get ready for your school trip to London:

Spelling rules for verbs in -ing

Check the rules for -ing forms:


How do you pronounce regular verbs in the past form? Watch this video to find out.

Welcome to my class!!!

Are you ready? Summer holidays are over and we are here again to start a new year.  TASK: GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER!!! Let...